How to enable Plus Addressing Print

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Enable Plus Addressing

Plus addressing is a useful feature that allows users to automatically filter incoming emails into folders without pre-creating those folders or filters to handle them. 

Plus addressing works by allowing users to use special email addresses when signing up for newsletters or email subscriptions. For example, if needs to provide a valid email address to sign up for a newsletter, he can sign up for the newsletter using the address [user]+[technewsletter] When the newsletter is delivered, it will automatically be routed to the Technewsletter folder. If the folder does not exist, it will be created automatically.

Follow these steps to enable plus addressing:

  1. Log in to your EPhosted web email account
  2. Click the Settings icon
  3. Expand the My Settings folder in the navigation pane
  4. Click Account Settings. The account settings will load in the content pane
  5. Click the Plus Addressing tab
  6. Select the appropriate action SmarterMail should perform to plus-addressed emails
  7. Click the Enable plus addressing checkbox
  8. Click Save


Detailed Explanation of Plus Addressing

Plus addressing is a feature of EPhost Web Mail that allows you to automatically filter your incoming mail into folders without first creating a content filtering rule. To demonstrate this ability, please consider the following example of plus addressing:

Assume your email address is and you want to sign up for a newsletter called ACME News. Furthermore, you want that newsletter to be delivered to a specific folder in your email web interface called "ACME".  If plus addressing is enabled on your account, all you have to do is sign up for the newsletter with the email address below:


NOTE: The folder name is AFTER the username but before the

When the newsletter gets delivered to your email account, it will be directed to the ACME folder, which will be created automatically if it does not already exist. No additional steps are required.  In addition, if you include the '/' character in your plus address, you can automatically create sub-folders, as in the following example: 

  • myname+Newsletters/

Please contact EPhost Support if Plus Addressing is not working. It may need to be enabled for your domain.


Using Plus Addressing to Enhance POP

Usually, POP only retrieves messages from the Inbox folder. Plus addressing allows you to retrieve messages from other folders. For example, when you use "" as your login name in a POP client, it will return the contents of the ACME folder.

To set this up in Outlook, please setup as a new POP3 account using with the username/email address as the plus address, and all of your normal settings. I would suggest removing the ability to send mail using that address. See Outlook general Send / Receive settings.


Also SeeEmail Settings POP3 / IMAP | Check email online | Email Troubleshooting | Adding an email to your hosting account WINDOWS / LINUX

Contact Support

If you are still having email troubles, please contact us for further help.



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