SpamExperts Email Filtering Print

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This guide will help you get started using the SpamExperts Email Filtering Service. This guide assumes you have purchased the SpamExperts MAIL Filtering service from EPhost and that it has been provisioned. If you are not able to manage your SpamExperts account via the Account Control Panel then the account has not been provisioned. Please contact with your order number.

If you ordered the Incoming Filtering service.

Configuring MX Records:

To use Incoming Filtering, you need to point the MX Records for the domain to the SpamExperts MX servers. In many cases, this will be done for you. You can confirm it has been setup by looking at your DNS records in your Account Control Panel and looking for these value below. Otherwise, you will need to replace the existing MX records with the new values below.

Please note, please write down your original MX records before replacing them with the ones below so that you can revert if needed. Changing your MX records may disrupt email. It is advisable to inform your users prior to making the update and to do the update after hours. Please allow 24 hours for the DNS records to update though it will probably update in 1 - 12 hours. 

The MX records should be set as follows: (Priority 10) (Priority 20) (Priority 30)

No further configuration is necessary. Email will be routed through the SpamExperts Cloud System initially, Spam filtered out, and the resulting clean emails forwarded on to your local mail server.


To avoid any false positives or other such issues that may arise initially you will need to manage your Spam Experts Account by logging into your account at EPhost and then click the "Manage" on the main page under SpamExperts section towards the bottom. There you will find a number of options including: Mail Queues, Quarantined Emails and Whitelisted & Blacklisted Emails.


If you ordered Outgoing spam filtering

This guide will help you get started using the Outgoing Filtering service. To begin using SpamExperts Outgoing Filtering, you must first purchase a SpamExperts Outgoing Filtering from EPhost.

Creating Outgoing Users

The first thing you will need to do, is to create an outgoing user.

To do this, follow the steps below.

1. To manage your Spam Experts Account please log into your account at EPhost and then click the "Manage" on the main page under SpamExperts section at the bottom.

2. Click "Manage users" under the Outgoing section

3. Locate the "Add a user" section pictured below.

4. Select the "Authenticating User" tab

5. Enter the desired username/email prefix and password and click "Add" to create the account

Configuring your Email Client

Configure your email client with the following details for the OUTGOING MAIL SERVER definition:

  • Mail Hostname:
  • Mail Username: the full email address you created above
  • Mail Password: the password you specified above
  • Outgoing Port Number: 587 (Supports STARTTLS)

More information

For more information, and to configure SPF, DKIM and please refer to


If you ordered the Message Archiving service

To manage your Spam Experts Message Arching features please log into your account at EPhost and then click the "Manage" on the main page under SpamExperts section at the bottom.

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