Enable Reselling Domain Names (Registrations) Print

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Reselling Domain Names (Registrations)


EPHost Resellers can offer domain registration services to their customers using the control panel. Your control panel provides you with a way to sell domains, monitor them and bill for them. However, resellers actually register domains through any domain registrar you wish. e.g. www.regisite.com


Follow the below steps to enable domain registrations for your customers.


Step 1: Allow Customer Domain Registration

  1. Click the "Account Settings" icon
  2. Click the "Domain Reg. Settings" icon
  3. Select "Allow my customers to register domain (per settings below)"
  4. Click the "Save" button


Step 2: Select Domain Registrar

  1. Click the "Add New" button
  2. Select the "Domain Registrar"
  3. Select "Manual" to resell domain registration from another company. You will have to manually maintain the registrations.
  4. Click the "Next" button
  5. If you are adding an EPHost domain extension, select the extension from the provided list
  6. Click the "Next" button
  7. Alternatively if you are adding a manual domain extension, specify the extension in the provided text box
  8. Click the "Next" button
  9. Specify pricing for "Transfer Fee", "Registration Fee", and "Renewal Fee"
  10. Click the "Save" button


Repeat the above steps for each domain extension you wish to offer your customers.


Step 3: Processing Orders

  1. You should periodically visit the domain name registrations icon in your reseller control panel. To look for new registrations, transfers and renewals.
  2. Please be sure to note the status, which will indicate if you billed (and the customer paid for) the domain registration.
  3. REMEMBER: No actual registration, renwal or transfer will happen automatically. You will need to go to the registrar of your choice and register, renew or transfer the domain. The control apenl provides an easy way to maintain and bill for domains.
  4. When a domain is registered a recurring transaction is created to bill them again the next year. When making updates to the expiration date or the status of a domain registration, you should check the recurring transaction to be sure it will bill correctly the next year (last recurance date should be 1 year older then the expiration date). e.g. If the domain expires on 01/01/10 then the "last recurrance date" should be 01/01/09 assuming a 1 year registration.


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