How to display content from another page Mura CMS? Print

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Display content from another page:


Using the MURA tag you can easily display content from another page (not images) into a different page. Insert the code below wherever you would like that content to be displayed. You will need to do this using the Source view of the WYSIWYG editor in the Site Manager. It may be a little difficult at first to find the correct area in the HTML to get started. If you get totally stuck trying to find the correct place to insert it into the HTML, just paste it in normally and then fix it if needed using the source view.


[mura]getServiceFactory().getBean('contentManager').getActiveContent('CONTENTID', 'SITEID').getBody()[/mura]




CONTENTID = Use the advanced tab of the source content to find the long content ID string. Be sure to remove any spaces before and after the number when inserting into the code above.


SITEID = thisis the name of the site and can generally be found in the URL of any page in the back-end admin area. Look for siteid=your-site. If it has a space in it, it is likely friendly name of the site and not the actual site ID.



Note: If that page doesn't have any content nothing will display.

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