Pump and Dump Spammers using PDF Files

  • Tuesday, 31st July, 2007
  • 14:24pm

You may have noticed recently receiving PDF files from people that you didn't know. Usually the PDF file will contain a financial related message. These type of messages are used in "Pump and Dump" schemes, designed to artificially increase the price of a penny stock through promotion so they may sell at the higher price. Normally, these PDF's do not transmit viruses but are generally annoying none-the-less. ZDNet is reporting a "massive wave" of such messages.

At EPhost we have recently implemented some new spam filters to try to prevent these messages from reaching your inbox. Not all email providers (especially free mail providers) provide such filtering, so as always NEVER open an email, PDF or ZIP file from someone you don't know. We do suggest you check your Junk Email folder online to ensure no legitimate email was caught by the new filter. If so, just click "Not Spam". See: http://mail.ephost.com

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