How to setup PHP websites to be able to send email by creating a .user.ini file Print

  • 4


PHP websites are required to have a file called ".user.ini" to be able to send email.

EPhost's webservers require that a FROM address be specified in order to send mail.  This will require either the modification or creation of a file ".user.ini", following the steps below are not that difficult and the task can be accomplished in a few minutes.

  1. Create File called .user.ini
  2. Add this code to the file and save file:
    sendmail_from =
    Make sure to switch with your email address.
  3. Upload file to your website files on the server.


Note: This file can also be created via the File Manager in the control panel.

Once you have this file in place, your PHP based website will once again be able to send out emails.



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