How to Purchase Extra Features. Print

  • 4


You can purchase extra features such as additional hosted domains or more disk space via your Control Panel in the Extra Features section. Most resources are allocated immediately following payment.


To Place an Order for Extra Features:

  1. Login to your 'Client Area'
  2. On the Left Side under "Shortcuts", Click "Order New Services"
  3. Select the extra feature, or change the category on the left (Hosting, Cloud, Dedicated, Design, Additional space or email and much more)
  4. Click on the Green "Order Now" Button, you may be presented with other options for that service after clicking (Billing cycle, Quantity, etc)
  5. Finish the selection and then click the blue "Continue" Button
  6. You will be able to add in a PROMO Code if you have one and then proceed to Checkout
  7. Make a Payment on your account.


Price is per unit as specified in the extra feature description. e.g. If you choose "Disk Space 250MB" with a quantity of 4, you would get a 1GB (1000MB) of extra space at a price of $20.00 mo.


NOTE: To activate and allocate your extra feature you will need to make a payment on your account. Extra features are billed monthly based on the anniversary date of the day you purchased the extra feature and not necessarily on the 1st of the month. This catches many customer "off-guard". We suggest that you keep a credit card on file with us so that you do not need to worry about it each month. If you would like your extra feature billed at the same time as your monthly hosting fee, please raise a support ticket and ask to have your extra feature pro rated to the 1st of the month.

To remove an extra feature please ensure your account is not using the extra feature, then return to the extra features section and choose remove. You will no longer be billed for the extra feature.



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