Virtual Directories Print

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The Windows Hosting Plan Control Panel supports the ability to add virtual directories to a domain. Virtual directories create a "directory name/location" that is mapped to another directory that actually exists on the server.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) TIP: While it is possible to use the Control Panel to redirect visitors to alternate pages we suggest using the information here.  This is also a good way to redirect a visitor to a different place in the website as an alternative to a 301 or 302 Redirect, which is a bit more permanent, but the preferred SEO way if making permanent. 


  1. Login to your account
  2. Click the green 'Control Panel' button
  3. Hover over the 'Web' Icon and Click 'Web Sites'
  4. Select the Web Site / domain to modify
  5. Choose "Virtual Directories" tab, then on the new screen click "Create Directory" button
  6. Enter the new Directory Name
  7. Click in the Folder box and you can then browse to the directory you wish to reference as a Virtual Directory
  8. Click 'Create Directory'


Also See 



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