Modify File and Directory Permissions Print

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Each file and directory (folder) in your account has permissions which control who can read, write and execute that file. When files are created, default permissions are assigned. Most users won't need to change permissions, but there are times when an update, installation, etc. will require a file permissions change.

File permissions can be viewed and changed through either the Control Panels File Manager or most FTP programs. We'll walk you through viewing and changing your permissions through the Control Panels File Manger here. 

Windows Hosting Plans - Modifying File & Directory Permissions

  1. Login to the Control Panel
  2. Click the green 'Control Panel' button
  3. Click on File Manager
  4. Click the Lock next to website folder you want to change permissions
  5. Choose permissions and Update

NOTE: Read and Write permissions will grant Modify permissions

NOTE: Link to the Knowledge base if you wish to use Password Protection or Create Secure Folders on the Windows Hosting Plan


Linux Hosting Plans - Modifying File & Directory Permissions

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click the green 'Control Panel' button
  3. Navigate to the Files section and click on 'File Manager'
  4. 'DIRECTORY BROWSING' or 'FILE PERMISSIONS' are both accessible from with in this interface (more on Directory Browsing)
  5. Select a File or Directory
  6. Click on the Permissions Button and select the desired Permissions*

* Here is a link to a 'Permissions Calculator' to assist in your decision making

Numerical permissions

# Permission rwx
7 read, write and execute rwx
6 read and write rw-
5 read and execute r-x
4 read only r--
3 write and execute -wx
2 write only -w-
1 execute only --x
0 none ---


Also SeeWebsite Features KB's Domain/DNS KB's | HOW TO KB's | Email Settings POP3 / IMAP | Check email online | Email Troubleshooting | Adding an email to your hosting account WINDOWS / LINUX

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1-877-EPHOST1 |



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