How to setup a customer file preview area. Print

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This article describes how you can provide an area for customers to preview, and download files or artwork over the internet. Sometimes sending these files by email can lead to problems with "free email" providers or long downloads. To avoid that you should setup a "Customer Preview Area" so that all you will need to send them is a link by email.



  1. Create a new physical directory called "clients" under the "wwwroot" folder of your website using FTP.
  2. Create a blank HTML page called index.html and save it that folder - VERY IMPORTRANT!
  3. Create another physical folder under the wwwroot\clients directory called "mycustomer".
  4. Upload any file into that directory that you would like a client to see (e.g. .gif, .jpg, .pdf etc..)
  5. Create a virtual directory using the Control Panel called "clients" and map it to the real "clients" directory.


Path to Virtual Dircetory: (leave empty)

Virtual Directory Name: clients

Physical Folder: checked

Physical Folder: (browse to the newly created "clients" directory under wwwroot)

Directory Browsing: checked

Leave remaining options blank.

Click Save.


Now visit the folder: ""


You can keep adding new "customer" sub-directories in your clients directory. They should be names uniquely so that no one can guess that customers directory. The files you store should not be anything that can't be seen by others just in case.



Also See: FTP

Also See: Virtual Directories

Also See: Directory Browsing

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