Understanding and Resolving ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Google Chrome Print

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When using Google Chrome, users may occasionally encounter the "ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR" message. This error can disrupt browsing activities and prevent access to certain websites. QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a transport layer network protocol developed by Google to enhance the performance of connection-oriented web applications. While QUIC is designed to make internet browsing faster and more reliable, issues with its implementation can lead to this error. In this article, we will explore the causes of the "ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR" and provide three effective methods to resolve it.


The "ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR" can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • Misconfigured network settings: Incorrect settings on the user's computer or network can interfere with QUIC protocol functionality.
  • Firewall or antivirus interference: Security software might mistakenly block or restrict QUIC traffic, mistaking it for a potential threat.
  • Issues with the browser or extensions: Sometimes, the problem may lie within Chrome itself or within installed extensions that conflict with QUIC.
  • Server-side QUIC implementation: The error can also occur if the website being accessed has improperly implemented QUIC.


Method 1: Disable QUIC Protocol in Chrome

Disabling QUIC in Chrome's experimental settings is often the quickest way to resolve this error.

  1. Open Google Chrome and type chrome://flags in the address bar, then press Enter.
  2. Use the search bar at the top to find "Experimental QUIC protocol".
  3. Set the drop-down menu to "Disabled".
  4. Restart Chrome for the changes to take effect.

Method 2: Clear Chrome's Browsing Data

Accumulated browsing data can sometimes cause issues with QUIC. Clearing this data might resolve the error.

  1. Click the three dots in the upper-right corner of Chrome and select "Settings".
  2. Go to "Privacy and security" and click on "Clear browsing data".
  3. Choose the time range (consider selecting "All time" to clear everything) and check the boxes for "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files".
  4. Click "Clear data" and restart Chrome.

Method 3: Update or Reset Google Chrome

An outdated version of Chrome or corrupted user profiles can lead to various errors, including ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR.

  • Update Chrome: Go to "Help" > "About Google Chrome". Chrome will automatically check for and install any updates.
  • Reset Chrome: Go to "Settings" > "Advanced" > "Reset and clean up". Choose "Restore settings to their original defaults" and confirm by clicking "Reset settings".


The "ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR" in Google Chrome can be a frustrating obstacle, but it's usually resolvable through simple troubleshooting steps. Disabling the QUIC protocol, clearing browsing data, or updating/resetting Chrome can effectively address this issue. If problems persist, it may be necessary to investigate further into network settings or consult with IT professionals. Remember, regular maintenance and updates of your browser and operating system can prevent many such errors from occurring in the first place.

For further assistance or to report persistent issues, please contact our support team at EPhost.com.

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