How to Delete a WordPress User Print

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Whatever may be the reason for you to get rid of a particular user, but you can easily delete single or multiple users in WordPress under a minute and here is how you can do it easily.


1) Login to your WordPress Dashboard (

2) From the Left side Menu Click on "Users"

3) Hover over the user you want to delete and you will get an option underneath the username to "Delete", just click it

4) After you click on delete WordPress gives you an option whether to attribute all the posts made by the user to someone else or to delete those posts, so you can select whatever you want to do and confirm deletion.


OPTION: Deleting many Users at Once.

This is very useful if you not fully configured WordPress and are getting a lot of "Users" registering on the site and leaving spam.  Instead of just 'Hovering' over any one name, in the user list, you can place a tick in the Box next to their name, but only for the ones you wish to do "Bulk Actions" on.  Then go to the "Bulk Actions" drop down, choose delete and click "Apply".  Again you will be given the option of applying posts, made by any of those users to any user left.


Note: Though you are allowed to delete all the posts made by the particular user, comments made the users you have deleted will still be in display and if you want to delete them you have to delete them individually buts its not recommended to delete the comments unless they are abusive in nature and won’t help other users.


Also SeeEmail Settings POP3 / IMAP | Check email online | Email Troubleshooting | Adding an email to your hosting account WINDOWS / LINUX

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