File Manager Print

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Having the ability to manipulate files and directories on the web server can be done almost with the same ease as your local computers. 

Both Windows and Linux Hosting have similar options with folders and files:

  • Create Files / Folders
  • UN/Compress Folders
  • Copy Files / Folders
  • Move Files / Folders
  • Delete Files / Folders
  • as well as the ability to use a very basic text editor for text base files (.txt, .htm, .html, .css, etc...)


Windows Hosting Plans

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click the green "Control Panel" button
  3. In the Hosting Space Window, Click "File Manager"
  4. In this window everything is self explanatory to manage files, except for file/directory permissions
  5. To alter file or directory Permission Click the Padlock Icon next to the file/directory name

 REFDirectory and File Permissions for Windows Hosting


Linux Hosting Plans

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click the green "Control Panel" button
  3. In the Files Section, Click "File Manager"
  4. In this window everything is self explanatory to manage files, except for file/directory permissions.

Three Types of "Editors" available, begin  by selecting / highlighting a file you wish to look at then choose which make most sense

  • EDIT: Offers the option of choosing different types of language coding (see the 'code book' for the types), option to disable Encoding as well. This gives you a line editor with very basic options to make the file more easily readable.
  • HTML Editor: Like the 'Edit', in being able to choose encoding, it goes further with a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor.  It has the ability to use short cut buttons to insert common code, like images, audio files, tables, bold, italize, alignment, use different field types and much more.  
  • VIEW: This just opens the file in a window and shows you it's contents without the ability to change or save, good for looking at configuration files

HINT: Click on the File or Directory name, to highlight it, to modify or manage

HINT: 'Right-Click' to see management options and/or 'Change Permissions' or select 'Change Permissions' from the top menu

REFDirectory and File Permissions for Linux Hosting

REFCHMOD Calculator


Also See: Website Features KB's Domain/DNS KB'sHOW TO KB'sEmail Settings POP3 / IMAP | Check email online | Email Troubleshooting | Adding an email to your hosting account WINDOWS / LINUX

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