Custom Error Pages Print

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Ephost Windows and Linux Hosting Plans Control Panels allow you to specify Custom Error pages for your domains, instead of being directed to the default error pages (such as "Page cannot be found", etc.).  Error pages are web pages shown to the website visitor when something has gone wrong with the web page they have requested. They will also been shown when there is a server error.


Windows Hosting Plans

  1. Login to your Account Center
  2. Click the green 'Control Panel' button
  3. Click Web Icon
  4. Click on the Website you would like custom errors
  5. Click the Custom Errors Tab
  6. Click on 'Add Custom Error', entering the error code, handler type and the appropriate error content.


Linux Hosting Plans

  1. Login to your Account Center
  2. Click the green 'Control Panel' button
  3. scroll down to the Advanced section and click on 'Error Pages'
  4. In Step 1 select the domain you wish to work with
  5. In Step 2 click on the appropriate 'Common Error Code' to work with or select the tab for 'All HTTP Error Status Codes'
  6. You can use the quick codes or create your own html page to be displayed

NOTE: If running a WordPress Website on one of the Linux Hosting Plans (Pro, Unlimited, Optimized), Plugins and Themes often have options to show custom error pages, consult with the developer of what you are looking to use.


Common errors you may encounter from any website on the Internet:

  • 403 Forbidden

    You have requested to view a web page or directory to which you are not allowed.

    The webmaster may have put security in place so that certain web pages are not available to the general public (you have to be logged in to view) or that certain directories on the web server are not available for viewing.

  • 404 Not Found

    The web page you requested cannot be found on the web server.

    This is caused by:

    • A link to a non existing page was clicked.
    • A page has been moved or renamed and the web designer did not put a permanant 301 redirect in place.
    • Someone found an old listing in a search engine or directory results and clicked it.
    • The user made a typing error when manually typing the url of a web page.
  • 500 Internal Error

    There’s something wrong on the web server and it cannot process your request or update.


What should go in on my Custom Error Pages?

  1. Start by taking a copy of your website template and saving it with the appropriate name for the error you are creating it for. 
  2. Include in the body (content) area:
    • a precise description of what has happened, written in plain english, not a techical explaination.
    • a search box if you have website search enabled on the website.
    • a link to the website sitemap. (the traditional type, not to be confused with the sitemaps for Google, Bing or Yahoo)
    • a list of possibly related links.
    • a contact form (or link to) so the visitor can notify you of the error.
  3. Make the links to the images and styles for the page absolute as you may not know in advance what the relationship between your error page location and the page requested will be.
  4. Add the necessary server side instructions to implement your custom error pages. (as specified above for Windows) (On an Apache server (EPhosts Linux hosting accounts) you would use the .htaccess file for example.)


Also See: Website Features KB's Domain/DNS KB'sHOW TO KB'sEmail Settings POP3 / IMAP | Check email online | Email Troubleshooting | Adding an email to your hosting account WINDOWS / LINUX

Contact Support

If you are still having issues, please contact us for further help.
1-877-EPHOST1 |



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